Intermunicipal Transport and Mobility Plan for TTT Area of Influence (Lisbon Area)

image003-1Barreiro, Moita, Palmela, Seixal and Sesimbra Municipalities

The development of the mobility plan provides the municipalities with a strategic intervention document in the field of accessibility and mobility management in short, medium and long term. The PMTI action plan incorporates a number of operational measures that aim to shift to more sustainable transport modes (public transport, soft modes), compatible with responsible prosperity, social cohesion, environmental defense and improving energy efficiency, ensuring a better quality of life for the citizens.

In the star of the preparation of the plan it was intended to put in perspective the impacts in terms of spatial planning and mobility and transport system associated with the implementation of a wide range of transport infrastructure planned for these municipalities. However, those scheduled projects passed to crucial uncertainties regarding their delivery and/or implementation timeframe (for example the Third Crossing of the Tejo). On the other hand, new projects have emerged  with significant impacts in this territory, as is the case of the new container terminal of the Port of Lisbon, which is expected to be built in Barreiro. There was therefore the necessity to find a flexible methodology that would allow municipalities to act on the crucial uncertainties of these projects, having built for such a strategic reference matrix that puts in perspective the contribution of the various projects to achieve the mobility plan objectives.

Plan developed in partnership with Bruno Soares Arquitectos.

Start: Nov 2011 End: June 2015


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